Holistic Health

Hello everyone, welcome to another edition of Caribbean Fit! I trust that everyone is fine and are all striving for healthy lifestyles. As the title suggests, we are going to discuss what it means what it means to be truly healthy. I know my posts are mainly about physical health, however, as human beings, we know that we are multi-dimensional and other areas or aspects of who we are needs just as much attention as well. We are body, mind, soul and spirit and all these aspects require some work and attention for us to be truly functional and holistically well as human beings. It's like the iceberg principle, 1/10th of who we are lies on the surface but the other 9/10ths are the aspects that matter most. So with all that said, I am going to share a few principles that I use in my life, in an effort to be a holistically well individual. 1. Spend time alone. Get to know who you are as an individual, be it in nature or otherwise, just take a couple moments alone. Check in w...