The Holidays!

Hey Everyone! I hope you all are great. Welcome to yet another edition of Caribbean Fit. Like the title suggests, we are going to discuss holiday eating.

It's a festive time of year where there are lots to eat and drink. From dinners to office parties and if you're from Trinidad and Tobago you know about those impromptu limes (hanging out). The amount of food available may become all too much and what happens every year is that you go into the new year a couple pounds heavier. We all are guilty of falling prey to holiday eating, but don't be discouraged there are ways to combat the holiday pounds.

Image result for a trinidad plate of food for christmas
Trinbago Plate for Christmas
The big spread of food laid out on tables around the holidays has so many choices and you just feel like you should taste everything. Then you end up with a plate filled to capacity and after you're finished taking down all that food that sleepy feeling kicks in and then you wake up and repeat. If you are like me, then eating is your favourite thing to do and during the holiday season, it's definitely hard to show some restraint. However, it does not have to be difficult just take my advice and you will go into the new year feeling better than ever. Here are my tips.

Image result for christmas lunch table in trinidad
Christmas Table in the Caribbean

Do Not Starve! You know you have a big dinner or event where there will be lots of food and beverages and you want to indulge to the fullest, so you don't eat until the event. That is a terrible practice, starving is never okay to do at any time. What you should do is eat but lighter items, more fruits and vegetables, soups and broths so that you not filled with gas at the event or ridiculously hungry and out of control and eating everything in your path. Eating before will make you better able to show some restraint and make better decisions.

Portion Control: After all, it is the holidays and you don't have access to those types and kinds of food on a regular basis, so it's only fair that you indulge a bit. It's okay to eat what you like but don't take heaping spoons of the foods, in everything you do be moderate. Take a little spoon of everything that you would like to taste and make sure your plate is not crammed with food.

Fibre Filled Foods: You want to start filling your plate with your vegetables and complex carbs like your steamed and fresh vegetables and your peas and beans. After that, you chose your animal protein and whatever other fixings you may favour in small quantities. You still want your meals to be balanced, not a plate full of meat or a plate filled with mostly carbs and fats always strive for balance.

Watch your Beverage and Alcohol Consumption: From my previous post on alcohol you would have seen that alcohol does not really have any nutritive value and contains 7 calories per gram. So you would want to watch your alcohol intake because the calories can rack up fast, set a one or two drink limit for yourself and you should be fine. As for other beverages, water is always fine at any time and you always want to make sure that you are properly hydrated. Between 1 and 2 glasses of sweetened beverages is enough and you should not surpass that. Try sipping as opposed to gulping for a change.

Above all the holiday season is about family, friends, fun and food is just the perfect addition to this equation. So, take some time to enjoy them all and don't feel guilty to part take in some great food. It's only for a time, just let these tips be your guide and you're on your way to a happy holiday.

*All images courtesy Google Images

Seasons Greetings! Until next time, stay Caribbean Fit! 💋😘💋😘
Image result for seasons greetings


  1. Thanks For the practical and useful tips. I wish you all the best for the Season..
    Remember Jesus is the reason for the Season.


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